This site is dedicated to supporting parents with children on the autism spectrum. It is not a list of therapies or drugs or new organizations you can join. Rather, it is a place to visit after all the trips to speech therapist and the occupational therapists, after the I. E. P. meetings, after the conversations with doctors and teachers, after the strange looks you and your child received in the grocery store.
It is also a place to share the lessons I have learned about myself while raising my son. In my experience, children on the spectrum force us to answer questions we might not otherwise answer - questions about intelligence, success, love, and even death. The most important of all these questions remains, "Can a person be broken?" If I believe the answer is, "Yes," I see one kind of world; if I believe the answer is, "No," I see a very different world.
In the blog Lessons, I'll be writing regularly about how we see the world without broken people, and the quiet challenges every parent faces when living daily with someone who asks us to reexamine what it means to be human.
If you'd like to contact me about the book, autism, or any topic discussed on this site, please feel free to do so.